The Armenian Defense Ministry made an official report on the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.
On July 12, at around 12:30 pm, the servicemen of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces attempted to violate the RA state border in the direction of Tavush region with an UAZ-model vehicle. After the warning of the Armenian side, the Azerbaijani servicemen left the UAZ-model vehicle and returned to their positions.
At 1:45 pm, the Azerbaijani servicemen repeated their attempt to take the border position of the Armenian armed forces, using artillery fire, but were suppressed by the Armenian side and pushed back, suffering losses.
In the evening, the Azerbaijani side resumed firing from the 82 mm mortar and tank in the direction of the same position. The shootings continued at regular intervals throughout the night.
All the attempts of the opponent were targeted by the units of the Armenian Armed Forces and neutralized.
On the morning of July 13, the opponent resumed provocative actions, continuing to shell in the direction of the Armenian positions. The RA Armed Forces subdivisions gave an adequate response.
The Armenian side did not suffer any losses.
Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan is in constant contact with the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk. The Minister of Defense has informed that the personnel and command of the Armenian army are instructed to still remain restrained and in case of provocations by the opponent in the direction of the Armenian borders, to respond as needed, even to take new favorable positions.
The Armenian Armed Forces are not firing on the Azerbaijani settlements. Only the engineering infrastructure and technical means of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces are targeted.
The Azerbaijani military-political leadership will bear all the responsibility for the losses on the Azerbaijani side and for the consequences of the intensification of the situation.
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