Pic by Paulo Di Oliviera/ARDEA/Caters News - (Pictured: Sea lion, with nylon strings and piece of fishing net wrapped around his neck that caused him a deep wound. Hundreds of thousands of marine animals (fish, reptiles, birds and mammals) die every year in abandoned fishing gear in the ocean.) - Shocking images of animals being strangled by discarded nets and gorging on plastic rubbish have been released as a stark warning of the damage caused by human waste.A crab eating a cotton bud, a baby seal choking on a fishing net and a turtle munching on a polystyrene cup all feature in the series of composite pictures created by Paulo de Oliveira. Other images show a whale gorging on plastic bags and a fish eating the remnants of a coffee cup while swimming through a sea of garbage.The 64-year-old from Portugal combined several images to create each disturbing composite picture.The former advertising executive turned professional diver and photographer has created the series as a stark warning of the damage being done to our oceans.SEE CATERS COPY.
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